Hedera Wallet Connect is a library that enables decentralized applications (dApps) to interact seamlessly with Hedera wallets using the WalletConnect protocol. This integration facilitates secure and efficient communication between your dApp and Hedera-based wallets.
Table of Contents
Before integrating Hedera Wallet Connect into your project, ensure you have the following:
- Node.js: Version 18.0 or above. Use NVM to manage Node.js versions. Install NVM and then run the following commands:
nvm install 18
nvm use 18 - Package Manager: npm or yarn. After installing Node.js, npm is included by default. To install Yarn, run:
npm install --global yarn
- WalletConnect Cloud Project ID: Required for establishing connections between your dApp and wallets.
- Visit WalletConnect Cloud
- Sign in or create a new account
- Click "Create New Project"
- Name your project and click "Create"
- Copy the "Project ID" from the project dashboard
Install the Hedera Wallet Connect package using npm or yarn. Note, you will also need to install the Hedera SDK and other peer dependencies.
Using npm
npm install @hashgraph/hedera-wallet-connect @hashgraph/sdk @hashgraph/proto @hashgraph/hedera-wallet-connect @walletconnect/modal @walletconnect/qrcode-modal @walletconnect/utils @walletconnect/modal-core
Using yarn
yarn add @hashgraph/hedera-wallet-connect @hashgraph/sdk @hashgraph/proto @hashgraph/hedera-wallet-connect @walletconnect/modal @walletconnect/qrcode-modal @walletconnect/utils @walletconnect/modal-core
React Native Compatibility
React Native is based on JavaScriptCore (part of WebKit) and does not use Node.js or the common Web and DOM APIs. As such, there are many operations missing that a normal web environment or Node.js instance would provide.
For this reason, the additional packages polyfil and shim must be installed to ensure compatibility with hedera-wallet-connect, @hashgraph/sdk and other dependencies:
Using npm
npm install @walletconnect/react-native-compat react-native-polyfill-globals @ethersproject/shims
Using yarn
yarn add @walletconnect/react-native-compat react-native-polyfill-globals @ethersproject/shims
Setup shims and polyfills
Create a polyfills.js file with the following contents:
import "@ethersproject/shims";
import '@walletconnect/react-native-compat';
import { polyfill } from 'react-native-polyfill-globals/src/encoding';
// mock for matchMedia in @walletconnect/modal-core
window.matchMedia = window.matchMedia || (function () {
return {
matches: true,
addListener: function () { },
removeListener: function () { }
And connect it as early as possible before importing hedera-wallet-connect, for example in global _layout.jsx:
import "polyfills.js";
import { Wallet } from "@hashgraph/hedera-wallet-connect";
export default function RootLayout() {